Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | Login
Hong Kong » Deric & Jo's Wedding » The Day After
The Arrangements
The Day Before
The Wedding Day
The Day After

Deric & Jo's Wedding - The Day After


A number of Deric & Jo's friends and family hired a boat for the day and took a trip to the islands off the east of Hong Kong Island where water skiing and bannana boats awaited the brave... Fantastic!!!
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Waiting at Admiralty
Short video of members of the boat trip waiting at the pier at Admiralty
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Leaving Admiralty
The boat has arrived, the explorers,sun seekers,adrenaline junkies are aboard. Now to navigate Admiralty harbour...
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Anchored for Fun
Anchored off the east coast of Hong Kong, this seems a popular point for boat trips. (Sorry you don't see too much fun here, i was too busy having fun!!).
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Returning to Admiralty
Return to Admiralty video, everyones 'water ski/bananna boated out' and is now relaxing with various alcoholic aids... Lookout for james bond in a San Pan..
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