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Bulgaria » A Personal Guide To Sunny Beach » Communications
The Beach


The first choice I would use for making any type of communication (i.e. telephone, internet or fax) is at the Post Office, which is located in the centre of Sunny Beach directly on the Nessebar/St Vlas highway (on the non-beach side). When I say the post office, I think that’s what it is! The actual building that says Post Office across its door way is not were the telephones etc are located, they are located in a building to the right hand side with GTK written on the sign. However the package reps called it the Post Office so maybe it is. The receptionists in the GTK speak okay English (the person I dealt with preferred German)



Once you have located the building go through the front door and turn to the right. There is general seating area for anyone wanting to wait. Continue through the turn-style, the phone booths are located on the right (reception with receptionist on the left). Look for an empty one and then simply go and in and use it. There is small display on the wall inside the booth that shows the cost of the call. The telephones are connected to the receptionists office, so when you are finished go to the reception, let the person know the number of the telephone booth you used and pay the call amount.



The computers for the internet are in the same area as the telephone booths and also a small room directly in front of the turn-style. Ask the receptionist for which computer to use, they will tell you a seat/computer number and restart the internet connection/timer on the relevant computer. Sit down in front the computer, open the Internet browser and start surfing. A small window located in the bottom right hand side of the screen displays the time and cost for you to track. The minimum/initial cost is 0.5 Leva (50 stinki) and this amount remains for a while before increasing very slowly. It is very cheap to surf the internet (1 Leva/hour) so do not be too concerned with regard the cost. Once you have finished goto the reception, tell them the computer number and pay the cost.


I never faxed anyone, but noticed a number of people came in, went straight to the receptionist, told them the fax number and passed them the documents. They were then charged accordingly and the receptionist faxed the documents.



Other communication possibilities are:-


Telephones:- There are a number of booths containing telephones located on the boulevard which runs alongside the beach. These booths offer okay rates I noticed the Post office was around 0.59 Leva per minute to phone UK, and these booths were about 0.59 Leva – 0.89 Leva (still relatively cheap especially if you are a long walk from the Post Office).


Internet:- There are some Internet cafes located within some of the Hotels. I have never used these to comment.



IMPORTANT: If you use your mobile phone to call the UK from Bulgaria, then the person in the UK will also be charged. The call amount is split between the caller and receiver and cost of mobile calls is not cheap (using a UK SIM card). I have never tried it but various internet forums suggest obtaining a Bulgarian SIM card for use while in Bulgaria.

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