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Bulgaria » A Personal Guide To Sunny Beach » The Beach
The Beach

The Beach
Sunny Beach is one of the two main beach resorts located on the Black Sea Coast (Golden Sands further north near Varna is the other). Sunny Beach is a 8km length of sandy beach with Burgas (and local airport) approx 30km to the south and Varna 95km to the north. The beach has Blue Flag class A rating (I noticed the beach being cleaned every evening). It is a narrow long stretch and the tide level does not move very much so the beach width is relatively the same all day (Any surfers reading this should look else where for large waves!).

There are restaurants/bars located directly on the beach at various locations. They vary from being simple square wooden shells to more grand design’s e.g. ships. They sell anything from Ice cream to alcoholic cocktails, tea and coffee and simple food. If main course food is required then there are many restaurants located on the edge of the beach with their rear looking onto it.

The water is very calm and excellent for swimming and playing waterside games. Caution must however be taken when swimming/walking around the underwater reef at the far ends so beach. The beach consists of fine golden sand that is cleaned every day to ensure no litter remains. There are lifeguard stations located every 100m with stations showing the various flags depending upon the conditions


Green Flag:     Swimming Allowed

Yellow Flag:    Caution when swimming

Red Flag:        Swimming forbidden


There are medical centres located every 300m along the beach.


There are three piers located at three strategic points along the length of the beach.

-          Victoria Pier: Located outside the Victoria Palace on the north end of the beach

-          Central Pier: Located midway on the beach length. This pier is directly at the end of the Sunny Beach Central boulevard which is the main walkway between the Nessebar/St Vlas highway and the beach. The landmark hotel the Kuban is located on this boulevard.

-          Burgas Hotel Pier: Located at the very southern part of the beach (i.e. Nessebar end)


The beach is split approximately in two by a small river, 2/3rds of the beach on the north and 1/3rd on the south. The river is wide and shallow but can be walked through (without shoes on!) to enable you not to have to walk inland to use the bridge.


Northern Area (Near St Vlas)

The northern part is the more commercial with Hotels lined along the boulevard. The areas directly in front of the sea have sections of parasols/sun-lounger’s for hire (no personal parasols allowed in this area). Anyone wishing to use the beach but not hire either must locate themselves behind these sections or on the few areas between the parasols in front of the sea. As far as I can tell the parasol areas are owned and operated by the Hotels in front of the relevant beach section. There is always someone on the beach available to pay for there use.


Southern Area (Near Nessebar)

The southern part is less developed with a conservation area and reeded areas leading up to the beach. This section has few parasol sections, but also has fewer restaurants/facilities. It is noticely the poorer section of Sunny Beach with the markets lining the streets and not quite so grand hotels. This however is changing, with so much investment being ‘ploughed’ into Sunny Beach the previous not so popular areas are suddenly becoming the focus of builders. 



Beach Activities

-          Free swing parks (various points along the northern beach area)

-          Free Volley ball area. The Hotels organise events on various days of the week (small fee levied). Check your hotel for a schedule. (various points along the northern beach area)

-          Jetski operators located along the beach (life jacket provided), you can haggle for a better price in non peak periods.

-          Pedallo’s with schutes located at the rear (various locations along northern beach area).

-          Bannana rides (various locations along northern beach area).

-          Horse Riding from local stables or on beach (northern beach area).

-          Quad biking (located at the Hotel Burgas beach southern beach area)

-          Microflights (unsure where the starting point is but could see them in the air)

-          Personal massages available under gazebos (various locations along northern beach area).

-          Boat rides to Nessebar leave from any of the three piers located along the beach every 20 minutes.


Various prices (2005)

Sunshade:-  6 Leva/day (max bathers per shade 4)

Lounger: 6 Leva/day

Pedalo: 10 Leva/hour

Jetski: 50 Leva/20 minutes, 70 Leva/30 Minutes

Nessebar boat trip: Adults 10 Leva, Child 5 Leva, Baby free.


Points to note

-          Beach services: lifeguards, activities: (8am – 6pm during summer months)

-          Topless bathing is allowed


Disclaimer: This guide has been created to pass on personal experiences of Sunny Beach. Planet Springwell takes no responsibility for any innacuracies. The information contained herein is used at the visitors own discretion. See below for complete 'Terms of use'. 


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