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Scotland » Building Your Own Conservatory » Planning
Building Warrant
Eaves Beams

Obtaining planning permission is the first of two required stages (obtaining a building warrant being the second) and focuses on the following areas.

- What kind of development/work you are intending to carryout our. In our case it was to remove and existing garage and build an extension with an a conservatory.
- Were will the development take place. i.e on the front, back or side of the building etc
- How high will it be
- What will be the appearance of the final development and will it fit in with the surroundings
- Have any neighbours who will be directly affected by the construction been informed. You will be expected to send each affected neighbour a brief summary of the proposed development and any associated boudaries. The neighbors will then have a number of days thereafter to submit any greivances to the council.

I completed and sent the following items to the council planning department
- A plan showing the location of the existing property, boundaries and proposed development.
- A detailed coloured drawing of my requirements, that i had produced on my computer (not absolutely neccessary but i had it anyway)
- Varous forms contained within a Planning pack i obtained from the council.
- A colour photo showing the existing appearance of the property
- a cheque for £110.

Approximately 6 weeks later i obtained an officially stamped document giving permission to my proposals. The next step was to submit more detailed technical information to the councils building control department to obtain a warrant.


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